Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Starting plants in cold weather

Cool weather crops are started in a green house so they can be transplanted to the field earlier in the season.  The picture to the right shows pak choy, an Asian cabbage started in March. These seedlings were transplanted to individual celled trays and allowed to develop more before being transferred to the field.  We grow a variety of leafy crops and cabbages that many consumers have not tried before.  Part of being involved in a C.S.A. is trying new varieties and learning how to cook different forms of produce.

The picture on the left shows the construction of a cold frame used to hold plants in between the green house and the field.  Plants grow really fast in the green house and sometimes they can be ready to go to the field before the weather is right. They can be stored in a cold frame for a little while to slow down growth and free up space in the green house.We used this cold frame to store many of the earlier cool season crops before transplanting to the field.

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