Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Cauliflower Is Coming Along

The cauliflower plants are producing some great heads of cauliflower.  Cauliflower require extra care because if the head is left exposed to the sun it will turn purple and rot.  The leaves of the plant are tied up around the head of cauliflower to block the sun.  Each plant has to be done this way, so as you can imagine it takes a lot of time and rubber bands.  Producing cauliflower requires extra work, but nice white heads of cauliflower are worth it.  Varieties have been developed that do not have such a negative reaction to the sun.  Such varieties require less work but many cauliflower connoisseurs agree that they do not reach their standards in taste.  Therefore a little extra work keeps everyone happy.

1 comment:

Philip Deskins said...

i wish I had known this sooner. Lol My cauliflower will be tied from now on